When enough vapor has joined together in the form of clouds, it can fall to the earth as rain, snow, etc. This moisture is relatively free from impurities with the exception of contaminants collected from the air during its journey down.

Water is sometimes referred to as “natures solvent” due to its ability to dissolve whatever it touches and as soon as it reaches the ground it begins to dissolve and collect everything from rocks to pesticides.

When enough vapor has joined together in the form of clouds, it can fall to the earth as rain, snow, etc. This moisture is relatively free from impurities with the exception of contaminants collected from the air during its journey down.

Water is sometimes referred to as “natures solvent” due to its ability to dissolve whatever it touches and as soon as it reaches the ground it begins to dissolve and collect everything from rocks to pesticides.

Natural Water Problems

The “path” that water takes to enter our homes determines the type of “natural” problems it can have. If the water passes through earth containing shale, limestone and other “soft” rocks it dissolves and carries calcium and magnesium into the home causing “hard” water problems.

If the water passes through ground containing iron bearing rock, it will collect iron and cause rust stains and other iron water related problems in the home. In some areas, the rock formations are granite, marble or other extremely hard, impervious stone. When water passes through these elements it cannot dissolve anything and remains very aggressive, or acidic in nature. When this water enters our homes it begins dissolving or eating away our pipes, chrome plumbing fixtures and etching glassware and china.

Water also collects tastes and odors from gasses, decayed vegetation, minerals and organic materials and brings them into the home. A common taste and odor problem is Hydrogen Sulfide caused by the absorption of hydrogen and sulfide by water. This gives water a rotten egg taste and odor.

These are just some of the more common problems caused by water’s natural ability to dissolve and collect natural contaminants that get in its path. Many more problems are caused by water picking up contaminants caused by our industrial and modern society.